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A Fully Customized Picnic For ANY Occasion

A Fully Customized Picnic For ANY Occasion

Hey guys, listen up and listen good. Your lady loves three things; flowers, quality time (think deep chats), and picnics for the love of God. Now I’m no relationships guru or therapist, but I have learned that women and picnics are like golf and beer, skiing and chairlifts, or football and wings. And one last hint from this guy of many failed relationships who is slowly learning… When I say women and picnics go hand-in-hand, that does not mean you are excused from the play. Ladies, how am I doing?

Just yesterday, I asked a male friend about his vacation. He rolled his eyes about the chosen location, and summed it up by explaining, “Happy wife. Happy life.” So as I reflect upon that sage advice, I would suggest this; “Plan a picnic for a kiss. Don’t plan a picnic and you’ll be remiss.”

I know, I know. You’re thinking it’s beyond one’s quiver of creativity, cooking and organizational skills. In fact, you’re completely alarmed right now by the daunting feeling of throwing a picnic. For the ladies out there, you may be feeling the same angst at the notion of throwing a picnic - for two or forty. Well, we have some spectacular news for you. You can pass it off to Seacoast Picnic Company, a husband-wife team who will design, organize and outfit your entire picnic. Your job… just show up.

We were curious about the inspiration for a picnic company, particularly a high-end luxe picnic purveyor. Emily Huxtable founder of Seacoast Picnic Company, received a picnic basket from her mother. Mom, as it turns out, is a huge believer in quality time surpassing the importance of gift giving (love language #2 rules again*). In fact, all of her gifts are experiential. However, it turns out Mom’s love language may not be Words of Affirmation. Instead, her words may be described as “strong encouragement.” After a half-dozen nudges, Emily saw the inner beauty of picnics and set out to experience the Seacoast with her beloved basket.

While on the “picnic tour,” Emily and her husband started to draw parallels between their passion for Airbnb Experiences, Mom’s philosophy of fostering memories, and picnicking on the Seacoast. With each conversation and brainstorming session, they came to the same conclusion: Let’s offer a “soup to nuts” custom picnic experience for people, where the customer merely has to show up and revel in the fun. And thus, Seacoast Picnic Company was born.

If you have a party this summer, or you simply want to do something special for a loved-one or a few friends, you should seriously consider working with Emily and James. We all have to plan birthdays, graduations, baby showers, bachelorette parties, retirement send-offs, club socials, Mother’s Days/Father’s Days, surprise parties, and the like. Why not pass the planning off to Seacoast Picnic Company. They will organize the event. They will bring all the necessary appointments such as tables, blankets, pillows, flowers, table runners, plateware, candles, umbrellas, decorative canopies, games, and just about anything you can think of. They will have your meal ready to go when you arrive, and then magically when you are ready to leave… voila, they swoop in to disassemble the entire picnic and handle the clean-up process for you. Does it get any better than this seacoast picnickers?

If a luxe, full custom picnic for two or twenty, packed with lifetime memories sounds idyllic, then Seacoast Picnic Company is your solution for play on 1A this summer. Although, we would be remiss if we didn’t tell you that you can have your picnic adventure on the coast or deep in the woods, from Acadia to Provincetown, offering food from your favorite places. Reach out to Emily today at hello@seacoastpicnic.com or learn more at www.seacoastpicnic.com.

Okay, last hint of the day since it seems to be a theme here. Love language 2 leads to love language 5. Go get ‘em.


* The Five Love Languages, New York Times bestseller by Gary Chapman


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