Play on 1A, Just in the Air

There are some long-standing myths floating about in American culture. Bigfoot or Sasquatch continues to lurk unseen in the woods of North America. The Loch Ness Monster still swims freely in the Scottish Highlands. And parasailing is reserved for vacations in Aruba. Wait… What?!?
There are definitely some parallels between parasailing and modern mythology, yet the notion that parasailing is strictly for your precious vacation is simply not true. Sure, parasailing is a top-10 activity for one’s vacation bucket list. You can find parasailing in all the major Caribbean tourism venues. And there is a reason for this… Parasailing is FUN. But does it have to be something one does on vacation alone? Is there a rule that says you can only laugh, smile and have fun while on vacation? Not if you play on 1A.
You’re probably still wondering about the parallels between parasailing and famous myths. Sorry we left you hanging there for a bit (see what we did there?). Those who have been bold enough to fly the friendly skies would use words such as wonder, excitement, mystery, and perhaps fright to describe this playful activity. The very same description one might use for UFOs and alligators in New York sewers. Parasailing offers so much more however. And it’s good, clean fun.
What could be better than floating alongside Hampton Beach, high in the sky, waving back at the sandy onlookers. Or is that jealous onlookers? You are treated to a fun boat ride out through Hampton Harbor from the State Fishing Pier. When it’s your turn, you slowly rise into the blue skies thanks to a 40-foot rainbow parasail, where it is quiet, relaxing, and almost motionless. Surprisingly, the boat engine is undetected from above. Yet, you can clearly hear an approving Hampton Beach lifeguard whistle at you from below. The beachcombers marvel at you as if you were a mythical superhero. You give them an appreciative shaka wave. You look to the north and there is Maine. Facing southward, you can pick out Gloucester and other parts of Cape Ann. Glance to the east and the sun is illuminating the Isle of Shoals, and iconic landmark on our coast. Dare we say, you get a pretty good glimpse up and down Route 1A. And when you return softly to the boat deck, you have a Cheshire Cat smile that won’t quit. Trust us when we declare one hasn’t seen the complete Hampton Beach, until you’ve seen it from a safe place above.
If you’re still adamant that parasailing is simply a vacation gig, let us offer a few alternative occasions to debunk this myth. We would contend that parasailing is the perfect activity for teambuilding with co-workers, family events, birthday parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, a first date (at least you’ll know RIGHT AWAY whether it’s going to work or not), Father’s Day, graduation, marriage proposal, sharing inside trade information on the latest stock, or the golf buddies need a little more thrill in their summer day.
Those looking for a good time should contact Hampton Beach Parasail at 603-929-4386 or learn more at Captain Craig has been in the business for over 20 years, having captained parasailing tours in Rhode Island, Florida, and most recently in New Hampshire since 2017. You’ll find them at the “shacks” just north of the Hampton bridge, located at 1 Ocean Boulevard, alongside Swell Oyster Shack, Captain Bobs Lobster Tours & Fishing Charters and more. In the meantime, grab a cocktail napkin this weekend and jot down your staycation playlist of 10. Start with parasailing as #1 and go from there.
PS. On that marriage proposal suggestion...We recommend utilizing a string or some other form of tether if you plan on proposing at 500 feet. Is there a bad joke lurking in there somewhere? Perhaps.
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Outdoor Fun, Parasail, Play